Technical Officials
2024 Country Swimming Championships - Technical Officials
Technical officials are the lifeblood of the swimming community who volunteer their time to ensure fair and equitable opportunities for all swimmers at events around the country. Swimming Northern Territory is currently in the process of working with Swimming Australia and State Technical Committees to utilise this event as not only a great opportunity to get away for any incredible holiday, but to officiate somewhere you never thought you would.
As part of the event, SNT will be hosting a Technical Official Seminar / Briefing on Thursday 26th September 2024 for all attending officials. Furthermore to this briefing, we will be hosting a workshop to concentrate on the following skills of officiating:
Importance of a mentor
Working with swimmers to control the event - behind the scenes
Control Room success
Mock protest / jury of appeal process (held together with coaches to expand the learning)
Learnings from the 2024 World Aquatic Championships - Doha
Q & A session
SNT is excited to have the following technical officials confirmed as attending to run these sessions
and provide mentoring support throughout the entire event.​
Katherine Reynolds - World Aquatics Open Water Referee and Event Technical Manager
Kaye Bolger - World Aquatics Pool Referee
Neil Rodgers - former World Aquatics Starter and current Swimming Australia Starting Assessor
Sharon Wicking - Australia's favourite Technical Official with swimmers and leading off-deck pool expert.
Jim Bolger - Control Room expert
After the session, there will be a break followed by free entry to the Pre-Event In-Pool Movie Night.